DSP Sharece
Department Support Program

A challenging feature of academic institutions with respect to culture change is the many ‘micro-climates’ that comprise each campus: individual departments, labs, and centers with unique cultural norms and practices. The academic and professional disciplines that comprise the department also influence the local culture. ‘Pipeline’ concerns, power dynamics, size, physical location, alumni relations, and other drivers contribute to ways in which the environment is perceived by community members.

The objective of the MindHandHeart Department Support Program (MHH-DSP) is to understand these distinguishing features, and provide faculty, staff, and students with data, tools, and support to measurably enhance their academic climates.

The MHH-DSP aims to effect change across five key dimensions: (1) deliver actionable data along measures of learning and academic support, inclusion, well-being, and community satisfaction; (2) connect departmental faculty, staff, and student leaders to existing MIT support resources; (3) share promising practices across departments; (4) strengthen and streamline internal communications; and (5) create measurable, time-bound action plans, outlining goals and concrete steps DLCs are taking to address gaps revealed in the data.

For more questions about the DSP, please contact us at mindhandheart@mit.edu.